Keep mining PI to increase your transferable and migrated coins

If you keep mining PI on the PI Network App, you stand a chance to increase your transferable and migrated PI coins.
PI Networt

Many pioneers that have successfully migrated their PI coins have stopped mining PI on the PI Network app. Meanwhile, mining of PI never stops. You can still mine PI and your mined coins will gradually and automatically be migrated to Mainnet wallet, increasing your transferable, migrated coins and unverified tokens.

Previous mined PI dashboard
Previous mined PI dashboard

Recent mined PI dashboard
Recent mined PI dashboard

As you can see in the images above, I continue to earn more transferable and migrated coins as I continue to mine PI on the App. Even if you have sold all your PI, you can still mine more PI coins on the app and you don’t need to wait for any migration queue before it’s moved to mainnet.

Since the first open mainnet launch in February 20, 2025, any mined PI coins will be split into three separate transactions: unverified coins, transferable coins and migrated coins. The unverified coins are mined Pi that have not yet passed KYC verification and cannot be used or transferred.

Transferable coins are those that have been verified and are eligible for migration to the Mainnet, but have not yet been moved. Migrated coins are Pi that have successfully transitioned to the Mainnet Wallet, making them usable within the Pi ecosystem for transactions, purchases, and other activities in the enclosed network.

Must Read: 100% working methods to complete your PI KYC and successfully migrate your mined PI coins to Mainnet Wallet.

How to convert unverified PI to transferable tokens

As previously explained, Unverified PIs are mined coins that have not yet passed downlines KYC verification and cannot be used or transferred. In other words, the more of your Downlines that complete their KYC verification and migrate their tokens successfully to mainnet wallet, the more of your unverified balance becomes transferable.

Why unverified PI? PI Network ties your unverified balance to the contributions of your downlines so that more people can participate in the mining process and successfully migrate their tokens to mainnet where they can harvest the rewards.

Steps to convert unverified PI to transferable

However, it’s important to note that you could lose your unverified PI if your Referral and Security Circle members do not complete their KYC (Know Your Customer) verification and Mainnet migration before the deadline. PI Network has set a deadline for tokens migration to February 28, 2025.

Deadline for Unverified PI to be verified

Your unverified balance is tied to the contributions of these members, meaning if they fail to verify their identity and migrate, the bonus Pi you earned through them will be lost. You are encouraged to “Ping Members” to remind them to complete the process before the grace period expires (in 4 days, according to the images).

Why is migrated PI locked up in Mainnet wallet?

Wait! Let me ask you a question. Have you ever wonder why many newly launched cryptocurrencies price fail massively 24 hours after launch? It’s because there’s no mechanism in place to stabilize the ecosystem. Many people tend to sell their mined tokens as soon as they have the chance.

This is why PI network has to lock up migrated PI for 14-days after a successful migration to the mainnet wallet. In other words, Migrated Pi is locked up in the Mainnet Wallet as part of the Pi Network’s lockup mechanism, which helps stabilize the ecosystem, control the circulating supply, and encourage long-term commitment from pioneers.

PI locked up in Mainnet

Furthermore, locking up Pi reduces immediate circulation, preventing inflation and helping maintain the coin’s value as the ecosystem develops. It also ensures network security and sustainability in the sense that early adopters remain invested in the network’s growth rather than selling off large amounts immediately.

Lastly, users who choose to lock up their Pi receive higher mining rewards in the future, encouraging continued participation. The duration and percentage of locked Pi depend on the user’s chosen lockup settings, which can be adjusted before each migration to Mainnet wallet.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding PI or anything written in this article, feel free to share in the comments section. We will reply as soon as possible.

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About the author

Temmy Samuel
Temmy Samuel is a seasoned journalist with extensive experience in consumer tech, economy, finance, business, money and politics. Currently, he’s studying Accounting at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti.

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