Kai Cenat Age: How old is Kai Cenat in 2025?

Kai Cenat is about 24 years old in 2025. Here's everything you need to know about his birth date.
Kai Cenat Age: How old is Kai Cenat in 2025?
Kai Cenet was born on December 16, 2021 , making him 24 years old in December 16, 2025. However, he's currently 23 years old . He was born and raised in New York City, but he is currently living in Marietta, Atlanta, Georgia . Kai has often incorporated his upbringing and personality into his content. Despite his relatively young age, Kai rose to fame quickly to become one of Twitch's most-watched streamers by his early 20s. He also streams contents on YouTube. He joined the AMP (Any Means Possible) content group, alongside other popular creators on the platform. Kai Cenat has three siblings: a twin sister named Kaiya, an older brother named Devonte, and a younger brother named Kaleel. Kaiya is also 23 years old; both Cenat and Kaiya celebrate their birthdays on the same days. His older brother, Devonte, celebrates his birthday on March 31, but his exact birth year isn't publicly available. Kaleel was featured in a video nearly 5 years ago, where he was referred to as 14 years o…

About the author

Temmy Samuel is a seasoned journalist with extensive experience in consumer tech, economy, finance, business, money and politics. Currently, he’s studying Accounting at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti.

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