How to Check BVN on Zenith Bank

Here are the methods of checking bank verification number (BVN) in Zenith Bank Nigeria.
How to check BVN on Zenith Bank

Zenith Bank is one of the largest and reputable deposit money banks (DMBs) in Nigeria. The bank is best known for its leadership in corporate banking, international trade financing, and investment banking.

However, without a bank verification number (BVN), a bank account cannot be opened in Nigeria. This is a directive by the Central Bank of Nigeria to all formal financial institutions in Nigeria. I know what comes to your mind is that why would people want to check their BVN on Zenith Bank when they already hold an account with the bank?

Well, people want to check their BVN on Zenith Bank for several reasons. These reasons include forgotten BVN, accounting linking, loan or registration requirements from other institutions, security checks, and many more.

Whatever your reason may be, we have compiled different methods of checking bank verification numbers on Zenith Bank in 2025. All you need to do is read this article to the very end to get all the scope and knowledge.

Ways of Checking BVN on Zenith Bank

There are four (4) ways to check your BVN on Zenith Bank in 2025. These ways are checking via USSD, checking through the Zenith Bank Mobile App, checking through Zenith Bank’s Internet Banking, and visiting any Zenith Bank’s branch.

The most interesting part of it is that these methods of checking BVN on Zenith Bank in 2025 are very straightforward with simple tasks. The Zenith Bank’s USSD code is the swiftest method to check BVN on a Zenith Bank account in Nigeria.

USSD Code to Check BVN on Zenith Bank

The *565*0# is the general shortcode to check a bank verification number (BVN) on any bank and any SIM in Nigeria. This code will charge you N20 per request, and this is one of the reasons people prefer to check using their bank's code because it’s free.

The Zenith Bank’s USSD code to check BVN is *966#. The code is free to use, and it can be used to check Zenith Bank’s account’s BVN anywhere anytime. However, it’s important to know that the short code must be dialed on a phone number linked with a Zenith Bank account; otherwise, it won’t work.

Once you dial the code on the phone number linked to your Zenith Bank account, select the option that says “Retrieve your BVN." You will be required to verify your account using your PIN. After that, your BVN will be displayed on your screen. You can write it down or screenshot it as you wish.

Check your BVN on Zenith Bank’s Mobile App

Like United Bank for Africa (UBA) and other reputable and digital banks in Nigeria, you can check your BVN on your banking mobile app.

If you have activated Zenith Bank’s mobile app on your phone, all you need to do is login to your account via the app and navigate to “BVN” under your "Profile.”

It’s as simple and ABCD!

Furthermore, the processes of checking BVN on Zenith Bank’s mobile app are the same with checking your BVN on Zenith Bank’s internet banking. If you’ve been using Zenith Bank’s ebanking, you can simply login to your account via web to check your BVN.

Visit Zenith Bank’s Branch

This is the easiest but stressful method. People with little or no computer knowledge prefer this method. You can easily walk into any Zenith Bank’s branch in Nigeria to retrieve your bank verification number.

Just with your Zenith Bank’s account number or fingerprint, the customer care representative will verify and confirm your data and print out your BVN to you.

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About the author

Temmy Samuel
Temmy Samuel is a seasoned journalist with extensive experience in consumer tech, economy, finance, business, money and politics. Currently, he’s studying Accounting at the Federal University of Oye-Ekiti.

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